All of my regular readers will be thrilled to know that since we have no money, but we do have an abundance of time, we have decided to travel with the kids this spring for spring break. This will be another camping adventure to a bunch of national parks, and if any of the previous trips provide any type of example, this blog should get more interesting with each passing day.
With the advent of my Facebook account, I realize there might be some new readers here who have no idea what this is about. If you have some spare time, and the unemployed among us have tons, I encourage you to go backward in this blog and read about some of our previous year's adventures. Traveling with 5 small children in an SUV pulling a camper is a recipe for fun, frustration and hilarity to those who are only reading about it.
Once again, we only talked about this for the first time about a week ago, so our plans are vague at best. We have 10 days to work with and I want to focus on the places that are too blasted hot in the summer to enjoy even a little bit. So on my list is Zion National Park, Canyonlands, Capitol Reef (for the biggies) and Canyon de Chelly, and Petrified Forest NP. Who knows where we'll end up, but we will be heading in the direction of the four corners with an emphasis on the Southern Utah region. I love Southern Utah, if I was Momon I would move there, but I'm not so here I'll stay in Phoenix.
I started the kids on packing their plastic boxes today (those of you who've been down this path before know about this...) Each kid gets one box to fill with their stuff. They have a checklist I give them with what to pack and I do laundry almost every night so everyone has fresh stuff to change into in the morning. Basically, everyone brings one cold weather outfit, one warm weather outfit and pjs, socks and undies and two pairs of shoes. In the summer we also bring swinsuits, but we are not bringing them this time of year. Also everyone is required (when I have the wearwithall to enforce it) to wear a hat.
I checked the temperatures in Zion two days ago and it is in the 40s at night and between the 60s and 70s during the day. That is perfect weather for hiking and just hanging out. I am hoping we do not encounter snow.
Charlie gets home from his ski trip tomorrow and I'm hoping to have the kids stuff all organized by the time he gets here so he can walk in the door, get the keys and go pick up the camper. Then we can plug it in and make sure the propane tanks are good and get the fridge working. Then Friday when the kids are at school, we will pack up the everything and leave as soon as the kids get home from school.
So by now you have probably asked yourself, "who is taking care of the chickens? God please tell me they did not even think about bringing the chickens!" I'm glad you are so concerned about their welfare! Of course we're not bringing them! Our 12 year old niece graciously agreed to watch them for a sum of money that is affordable even to us unemployed slackers. Thank you Courtney!!
Here are links to some of the places we are planning to try to hit.
Canyon de Chelly National MonumentPetrified Forest National ParkZion National ParkCapitol Reef National ParkCanyonlands National ParkIf we actually get out of Phoenix on Friday (just because this is our plan, does not mean it will actually happen) we might spend the first night here:
Sunset Crater National MonumentI have no idea actually if their campground is open this time of year, I suppose I should go to that link myself and look that up, eh? Otherwise, there is a KOA not too far from there that is year round.